**Note: If these two settings were off before this point, you might have to wait a bit till it completes. >Select: Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library >Select: Keep iTunes media folder organized Step 1: Make sure the following two settings boxes are checked: Personnaly, those things aren’t deal breakers for me but I thought I’d mention them. Also, depending on how dated this post gets, iTunes might remove other “ratings” type meta info as well, that isn’t actually stored in the mp3 files tagging. **Caution: This will result in duplicate smart playlists, get rid of ♥’s and play counts, reset all your settings like crossfading/soundcheck/import and export quality etc… and it will set the date added to the newly rebuilt library date. File tagging acting wonky? Then it’s time to… Is your iTunes library acting buggy? Not crossfading or abruptly cutting to other songs midway through the current track? Do you have a bunch of missing songs, or duplicate files.